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Monday, August 29, 2011

Plan for the Future

It is never too early to begin planning for the end of the year! I am feeling proud of myself as I just purchased my first holiday gift.

Do not wait until the last minute to use the funds you have saved in your HSA, cafeteria plans, etc, or your yearly insurance benefits for the oral surgery you have been told that you need. We are ready to help you with the planning and placement of an implant, extract your third molars or any other bothersome teeth, discuss options to treat sleep apnea, or even get you ready for the holidays with some Botox.

Call 713-464-2833 today to make your appointment.

Friday, August 19, 2011

End of Summer

We hope that everyone had a great summer!  We sure did! If you were not able to have your wisdom teeth extracted before the beginning of school., schedule now for the holidays. We will be here, but those times fill up fast!

Best wishes to all of you who are going back to school or starting college.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

Summer is a great time to have your wisdom teeth removed!  Most people have to have their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their life, and even though we worked on a wonderful, spry 98 year old last week, younger is better in the case of wisdom teeth.

There are several reasons that wisdom teeth need to be removed. Rest assured that we will only remove yours if in fact the procedure will contribute to your overall oral health.

In our office, wisdom teeth are most commonly removed with IV sedation as we are uniquely trained to perform this service. All of the doctors in our office completed in depth anesthesia training during our years of specialty training (no weekend courses here!). This insures that you will be very comfortable during the procedure.

Come in this summer and let us help you.  We look forward to the privilege.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Continuing Education

We just returned from a continuing education conference where we were able to interact with other leaders in the field. We continually strive to increase our knowledge base and surgical skills so as to deliver the best care in the Greater Houston area to our patients.  One topic that kept coming up in conversations with doctors from around the country was that of general dentists in their areas performing procedures that are traditionally under the purview of surgeons.  It was concerning because patients deserve the best possible care. Before having any surgical procedure whether it be dental implants, wisdom teeth extractions, lumps and bumps removed, etc...make sure that your doctor is a surgeon. Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons attend residency programs after dental school that range from four to six years. During that time, they are dedicated to learning the art of surgery. Additionally, they have very comprehensive training in delivering office-based anesthesia. Ask questions and choose the best surgeon for you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

After Hours

We just want to remind our patients about our commitment to them and their well being.  We are on call 24 hours a day for patients who have questions or concerns after their oral surgery procedures. Just the other night, I met a patient at the office in the evening to reassure her that what she was experiencing was normal after her particular procedure.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today has been exciting thus far with the temperatures in Houston well below freezing and rolling 20 minute blackouts all over the city (ours lasted 1 1/2 hours this morning!).  Our wonderful patients who were scheduled first thing this morning were very understanding and most of them waited with us. We really appreciated how patient they all were as we tried to reconfigure our schedule. Now it is back to surgery as usual.

We usually have very busy Wednesdays as we do surgeries all day.  This is a great opportunity for our working patients who do not want to miss a whole work day. They can work in the morning and have their procedure in the afternoon.  We also follow a similar schedule on Friday.  Flexible scheduling is just one of the ways that we try to make the whole "oral surgery process" a little easier.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome to our blog!

The Doctors and staff at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons of  Houston have started their own blog to keep you informed about the latest news and events happening in our office.  If you have suggestions or a specific topic you would like us to share, please let us know and we'll get it posted as quickly as we can.

As always, we are here to help our patients and colleagues get access the best care and service possible - at OMSH of course!

Hear directly from our doctors by following the link below.